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Mobile Disrupt 2024 – Reflections from IBEC CEO Bardia Vahidi

Attending a conference is a major commitment for any business.  It has benefits and potential drawbacks as well. The benefits include meeting friends and colleagues within the industry, catching up with existing clients, as well as meeting new prospects. The potential drawbacks are the time and financial commitment you have to make.  Any conference must justify itself in terms of the ROI (return on investment), otherwise the scale will tip in the direction of drawbacks.

IBEC’s team members recently attended #MobileDisrupt 2024 that was held at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas.  And the great news is that the scales were fully tipped on the side of benefits.  Attending Mobile disrupt was an overall fabulous experience.  Let me explain why that was the case.

In terms of audience, Mobile Disrupt did a great job getting people who are interested in mobility industry trends and all issues related to R2 Certification.  Mobile Disrupt got the audience right.  The attendees had a keen interest in R2 Certification, they knew what they were looking for, and asked all the right questions.

Our booth had so many visitors that wanted to have meaningful conversations and learn more about R2 Certification that I did not even get a chance to go grab lunch.  But that’s a great reason to skip a meal.  The conversations were intellectually stimulating, and it was encouraging to see the strong interest in the market players in obtaining R2 Certification.  This means that the industry will get more companies that are doing the right thing all around for sustainability and the environment.

One industry trend that became apparent at the Mobile Disrupt conference is that many companies are looking for technology providers that are interested in unloading IT and telecommunications equipment that can be reused. 

Additionally, being at Mobile Disrupt 2024 allowed us to catch up with many clients.  In many instances, we were able to introduce different clients to one another, thus facilitating greater collaboration across the supply chain.  At IBEC, we believe in long-term relationships and collaboration, and continue thinking of how we can help our clients long after our engagement is completed.  Business thrives when people help people.  Having strong relationships helps see opportunities and make connections.  As they say, the rising tide lifts all the ships.  After all, when our clients succeed, we succeed.



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